Engineer Perth is proud to celebrate international Global Day of the Engineer on 24 February 2016. The theme of “Engineers make a world of difference” recognises the contribution of engineers to building a better world. Engineers are at the frontline of addressing many global problems, including issues around food, water and energy sustainability, a changing global environment and improving the developing world.

Many technological developments have been a result of the perseverance, innovation and ingenuity of engineers, from smart phones to clean drinking water, from robots to prosthetic limbs. These ground-breaking innovations have opened up a wealth of possibilities to allow our society to live a more comfortable, advanced and prosperous life. Thanks to engineers, we live in a more comfortable and safer society and, in particular, those living in developing countries enjoy better access to housing, clean water, health resources and safety, improving the lives of whole communities.

Engineer Perth encourages you to join with us in recognising and appreciating the part engineers play in making today’s world better and support engineers’ role in shaping tomorrow’s future.

For more information
Engineer Perth specialise in providing innovative, efficient and cost-effective engineering solutions. We are highly experienced in offering residential structural services, including single, double and multi storey dwellings. We are happy to assist with any queries you may have in relation to the provision of Engineering services in Western Australia. For more information, contact our friendly staff on 08 6114 9356, or 


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